By night during the second day of the carnival, NikonD100boi went back and got his gears. He showed me his new sigma 28-200mm macro lens which costs him a whopping $1.6k to buy and he was willing to sell it to me for half of the original price! haha !! im kidding! After going around and taking more pictures of my friends and me, guess who decided to drop by the Kristal-Astro booth? Its none other than Yasmin Hani, wow! NikonD100boi was generous enough to lend me his sigma lens while he settled for his 50mm, here are the pictures from that night, dedicated to Yasmin Hani. MeeoOoWwwwrrrrr! and of course to the other celebrities as well :-)


I think she was watching the liverpool game

man! the crowd! thank u sigma!

Redza and Yasmin Hani

senyum senyum lah darlie~

MTV's VJ Utt

VJ Utt, Farish and Redza
After spending time at the Kristal-Astro booth, the celebrities went up onstage and was entertaining the crowd from their humour and quirky games. It was all fun and the crowd was esctatic! Here are some pictures from that night.

"kita org pandai ckp brunei le"

Redza " ahh tabau ni ape?"

"owang brunei...apo tabau nih ha"

ey dia main buyuk la!


Yasmin Hani kagum dgn suara power budak ni

the winners with Farish
Well, that's all from the second night,enjoy.
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